Cipriana Villegas Ruvio

Cipriana Villegas Ruvio has worked at Tosh Farms for a total of 15 years!!! She loves her job in the farrowing department at our Fairway 2 sow farm in Adairville, KY.
Cipriana has been married to her husband, Ernesto Guttierez, for 43 years! They got married when she was 19 years old. Together they have 2 daughters, 5 granddaughters, and 1 grandson.
In her free time, she enjoys transforming and sewing different fabrics into clothing or something someone needs. She also loves spending time with her big family.
In her time at Tosh, Cipriana has achieved so much. She is trying to learn everything related to sow care and the piglets. Since she arrived, she has had a very nice experience.
“At this company, you learn something new every day.”
Her future plans are to keep taking the best care of sows and piglets.
“I thank God for giving me health and strength. I thank Tosh for allowing me to belong to this great team. God bless all those who make up the great company that Tosh Farms is.”
Cipriana we are so appreciative of your hard work and how you represent our core value of commitment. You take pride in your work, and make us proud every day to have an employee like you! You prove your dedication day in and day out. Thank you for all you do for Tosh Farms!
Categories: Employee Spotlight