Animal Well-Being

Tosh is Committed to Animal Care

Report an Incident


At Tosh Pork, we are committed to providing excellent animal care.  We treat our animals with kindness and compassion.  Our caretakers, contract growers, and animal transporters learn about food safety, animal well-being, and proper handling and movement of pigs in training programs established by the National Pork Board.  These programs, called Pork Quality Assurance® Plus (PQA Plus) and Transport Quality Assurance® (TQA), require recurrent testing and recertification.  Our farms are regularly evaluated by a specially trained PQA Plus Advisor who assesses our records, facilities, equipment, and animal care and well-being practices to ensure that every one of our farms meets stringent operation standards.

“I take care of these pigs like they were my own because actually they are my future.  They are my future retirement.   If you take care of the company it will take care of you.  Animals mean a lot to everyone.  Both to Bacon By Gosh and to me, the individual driver.” – Steve Tucker, Truck Driver for Bacon By Gosh

We cannot stress enough that we take animal care extremely seriously at Tosh Farms.  Our caretakers and contract growers sign a zero-tolerance policy for animal abuse and if anyone is found intentionally mistreating our animals, their employment or grower contract with Tosh is immediately terminated.  If you are aware of an act of abuse, cruelty, or neglect, please report it as soon as possible by calling our veterinarian, Dr. Seth Krantz at 731-243-4861 ext. 124 or by filling out the contact form below.  Reports can be made anonymously and there will be no punitive action for a team member who reports an event.

“You need to put yourself in a pig’s place and [ask] how would you like to be treated.” – Jimmy Tosh, CEO

Report an Incident

    Your Name (optional)

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    Farm Name

    Date of Incident

    Please describe incident and who was involved.

    Please enter validation code.
