Edber Perez
We are always on the ‘hunt’ for more employees like Edber Perez! He works at our Huntland, TN sow barn as a Breeding Herdsman. His job consists of heat checking, breeding, tagging, vaccinating, pressure washing, moving animals as needed, caring for the animals, and meeting their daily needs.
Edber and his wife, Teresa, have 3 boys; Daniel (12), Bryan (10), and Jonathan (7). In his free time he enjoys playing soccer with his family and friends, especially his boys. He also loves farming. Edber has a small herd of cattle, sheep, and some chickens.
He is proud of himself for his accomplishing the feat of owning his house and small farm free and clear.
Edber says, ” I love working at Tosh. Working with the animals is great, but the biggest reason I’ve stayed here is the way I’m treated. I feel appreciated by my manager and the Tosh family. It’s hard to find a job where you’re valued and not just someone that can be replaced.”
In the future, Edber plans to retired and have a pig farm of his own.
He is the perfect example of our Community Focus company value. He says that he enjoys working with his team, and living in a small community where people know him and treat him with kindness. He puts his family and his work before himself. Employees like Edber are excellent at raising the moral of coworkers. He is happy to be at work, and loves what he does.
We are so glad to have you Edber, and we are so proud of you!